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Chad Jenkins

Chad Jenkins Profile Photo

President & CEO

Introducing Chad T. Jenkins, a lifelong entrepreneur and visionary known for
reshaping businesses to deliver remarkable returns. With three groundbreaking
methods and boundless curiosity, he serves as a catalyst for business growth.
Collaborating with leaders across industries, he uncovers hidden opportunities,
achieving exponential enterprise value growth. Chad’s track record includes 40+
high-growth companies and numerous successful Growth Partnerships. Now, he
empowers others through Growth Collaboration Partnerships and the SeedSpark
Growth Academy. His new book Just Add A Zero is a guide to outperforming
competitors and achieving exponential growth through collaboration.

• Why Business Leaders Should “Just Add A Zero”
• Three Proven Methods to Create Exponential Growth
• Growth Collaborations and Why They Are Important
• Unleashing the Curiosity Catalyst: Transforming Your Company’s Future
• How to Remove the Film and Identify Friction
• Developing the Collaborator Mindset