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Dick Grove

Dick Grove Profile Photo

CEO / Author

DICK GROVE is the CEO and founder of the long-running INK Inc. Public Relations.

Over his 50+ year career, Dick has managed the gamut of business and consumer communications from financial and investment relations, high-tech campaigns and products, crisis management, and the vagaries of the entertainment world. He’s served in the MarCom C-Suite with companies like Itel Corporation, GE Capital and IT&T as well as a V.P. with industry powerhouse Burson-Marsteller.

In 1997, the Kansas City-based Grove launched INK which is notable for being one of the first to utilize a remote PR team as well as implementing a very unique “Pay for Performance” client model – both of which continue today.

Grove recently released his first book titled, “It’s the Media, Stupid: PR without the BS.” In it, he sheds a light on the PR industry for publicists, entrepreneurs and the general public.

Jan. 5, 2024

The Art of Pitching: What Makes a Story Newsworthy? Featuring Dick Grove with INK Inc. Public Relations

In this episode of Small Business Origins, host John Kelley interviews Dick Grove, founder of Ink Inc. PR in Kansas City. Dick shares his origin story of getting into the PR industry, building his PR firm over 30 years focuse...
Guest: Dick Grove