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Dr. Kelly Kessler

Dr. Kelly Kessler Profile Photo


Dr. Kelly Kessler is a licensed physical therapist, wellness coach, host of the podcast Rewiring Health, and the owner of Optimal You Health and Wellness, LLC. Kelly teaches individuals who have a history of an eating disorder how to regulate their nervous system to achieve relief from chronic pain through her signature method, Eating Disorder Pain Solutions. Inspired by her own journey of recovering from an eating disorder and chronic back pain, Kelly has helped many people harness their profound ability to shift from survival mode to thriving. Kelly uses an integrative approach to healing including a personalized audit, education, community support, and actionable steps to create long-lasting results.

June 22, 2023

Transforming Pain into Purpose: Unleashing the Power of Holistic Approaches for Optimal Health and Wellness feat. Dr. Kelly Kessler Optimal You Health and Wellness

Dr. Kelly Kessler is a licensed physical therapist, wellness coach, host of the podcast Rewiring Health, and the owner of Optimal You Health and Wellness, LLC. Kelly teaches individuals who have a history of an eating disorde...