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Jamie Meyer

Jamie Meyer Profile Photo


I am an Australian Travelling Entrepreneur and Founder.

I went to school to be a fashion designer. Became bored, flipped the script entirely and went on to build my career in a male dominant industry, becoming the youngest and first female General Manager within it. Developing and designing not only the Business I worked for but the Businesses we worked with and People.
It was the limitations I encountered when implementing strategies and visions, that had me starting a Company. So I could break all the rules and design my own.
I design, recalibrate and transform Companies and People. Leaving a trail of Success, whatever that may look like for them.

I started freelance, designing new business dynamics, integrations and frameworks. That evolved into coaching Entrepreneurs and designing new avenues for their portfolios and Companies. That evolved into Organisational Coaching contracts and that evolved into working with individuals to define and conquer their ideas of success in life and careers. Following where I can find success for Clients.
The most inspiring thing is to have a front-row seat to the Success others can achieve, in Life and Business.

I specialise in recognising patterns and finding correlations between seemingly unrelated ideas. And capitalising on what can result from them. One thing alone will not bring us closer to Success. Like in Ecosystems, we require a balanced and invested effort from all perspectives to thrive.

Instead of shying away from what challenges us. I strive to encourage and support People to magnify their limitations, tackle them head-on and come out the other side better than they thought possible.

I’ve walked across muddy construction sites in 8 inch heels, replaced toilets, driven up mountains to slay dragons [industry joke] and hand unloaded 20ft containers at 4am on freezing cold mornings. I’ve driven forklifts, deep sea fished and caught an Uber 7 hours up the coast of Mexico. You will find more books in my suitcases than clothes. I will try anything once. Sometimes twice to make sure I don’t like it. I laugh, loudly. I dance in the rain and I talk to myself often.
And when I die, at 103, I want my headstone to read, I came, I saw and I conquered the most remarkable life.