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Jason Scott

Jason Scott Profile Photo


From the start of his career spent jumping out of helicopters as a rescue swimmer in the United States Navy, J. Scott has a long history of leadership, servanthood, and bearing witness to the transformative power of getting sh*t done.

Since starting 120VC, he’s personally overseen the global transformational efforts within DirecTV, Trader Joe’s, Blizzard Entertainment, RIOT Games, Sony Pictures, ResMed, and others. His team’s unique, human-centric approach to change has generated breakthrough results and created meaningful jobs.

In addition to being a successful entrepreneur, J. Scott has spent the last 22 years as a digital nomad, living what his family calls “Jump Life.” J. recently founded a company with his wife and two kids called Next Jump Outfitters. NJO plans to eliminate 50% of the effort that goes into a “Jump” to help those that are thinking about Jumping, take the leap.