Chef, Entrepreneur and CFG (Chief Food Guy)
You can expect a fun and engaging conversation with me. I'll address any topics you wish to explore. (And no, I won't talk over you). Ready?
I'm happy to have expertise in many areas of life. Amongst them are as a... Chef, Metabolic Health Specialist, Entrepreneurial Advisor, Interview Consultant, Author, Newspaper Journalist, Food Tour Creator, Radio Talk-Show Host, Male-Female Dynamics, Idea Guy, Passion Strategist, and Great Friend.
I traveled with the Eagles, Fleetwood Mac, and Pink Floyd straight out of high school.
I became a Chef, cooking for Hollywood "elite" before starting Chef Matthew's Fine Foods, a line of sexy finger foods for Trader Joes and similar establishments.
My Greeting Card company, Sublime Craftwork, created groovy, colorful and abstract artwork (on exposed film) using a process we designed/discovered by happenstance.
This led to my company called Pamper and Dine, which offered Massage and Fine Dining in client's homes. Covered by People Magazine, National Enquirer, & CNN, & New York Times, our story was picked up by news outlets all over the world. Side note: I saw everyone in Hollywood naked, which is odd because I was the Chef, not the Masseuse, of "Pamper and Dine." Anyway...
My next endeavor was Talk-Radio, back in the days of what's referred to as Terrestrial Radio. My many shows were usually about some combination of Food, Sex, Male-Female Dynamics, and Travel. Midnight Rendezvous and also Matthew, The Prime-Time Chef were my L.A. shows.
Soon after moving to Hawaii I started the Love Life Radio Network ( and the internationally known Hawaii Chat Universe. Love Life Radio was one of the first-ever radio shows to be broadcast on the Internet (1993). Our website was named "One of the Top 1000 Websites in the World" by PC Magazine.
Food Journalism came next, having been the Food Writer and Restaurant Critic for Hawaii's largest daily newspaper. The Advertising department hated me, eluding to the fact that my honesty somehow diminished their ability to sell paid ads (LOL) because, hey, my taste buds are educated, and I speak (and write) the truth; perhaps too often for my own good.
* Come to think of it, others have tried (and failed) to run me over during my life. Eventually I left this life of being paid to eat for another long time dream...
Hawaii Food Tours was my next adventure, launched in 2004, my "social experiment" to Feed, Educate and Entertain Hungry Travelers. We were the second food tour company in the United States. Sadly, due to the Covid Shit-Show, we haven't operated since March 15, 2020.
Which brings us to now...
My personal and business successes have led me to a place where I can help people realize how to attain their goals, and ways to enjoy the pleasure of each day. I wish to pay it forward.
♥♥ Most importantly, I am dedicating myself to helping others get off medications, reverse disease (such as Diabetes) and to lose weight the right way.
Below are a few more links that'll give you a rough outline as to who I am... what I've done... until now.
Written Words:
Eat Something Delicious Today...
Matthew Gray
CFG {Chief Food Guy} * Chef * Author
808.389.TALK {8255}
My Ultimate Eaters Guide© is available now for All Foodies Visiting Hawaii