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Natalie Clays

Natalie Clays Profile Photo


As a former smoker of 20 years and having tried everything possible to stop smoking, my life dramatically changed for the better after attending an Allen Carr Quit Smoking seminar.

That was in Melbourne, Australia on 21st June 2003 and I can honestly say it was easy.
There were no awful withdrawals, no anxiety, no panic, no urge to smoke...simple!

The program had such a profound effect that I quit my corporate job and took up casual employment in hospitality in order to free my time to become an accredited facilitator.
After 12-months of intensive training, in 2005 I opened an Allen Carr center in Sydney and helped my first clients to become happy non-smokers.

17 years and more than 10,000 clients later, I've successfully expanded my franchise territory to cover Australia, New Zealand, Canada and in 2020 relocated to expand into the USA.

Over the years, I've been featured in some of Australia’s most prominent publications and media outlets including 2Day FM, 2GB, SMH, body+soul, Conversations with Robyn and the Lifestyle Channel.

Still as excited and enthusiastic as the day I completed the program as a client, I'm passionate about helping others to find freedom from nicotine and alcohol through small group and private corporate seminars.

In 2016 I was proudly awarded with Allen Carr's Easyway Lifetime Achievement Award and am committed to help cure the world of addiction.

Feb. 16, 2024

The Easy Way to Quit Smoking featuring Natalie Clays with Allen Carr’…

This episode of Small Business Origins features Natalie Clays, a franchise owner of Allen Carr's Easyway. Allen Carr's Easyway is an international company that provides seminars and programs to help people quit addictions lik...

Listen to the Episode