Helping Women Veterans with Sisters in Service Podcast feat. Cat Corchado

Today on The Beef, we have the privilege of hosting Cat Corchado with Sisters in Service Podcast. A military brat and veteran herself, Cat tells the story of completing 20 years of service, only to find herself stuck for work after her return. After becoming involved with the Women's Veterans Network and meeting many women with similar experiences, she felt motivated to start her podcast, Sisters in Service, which acts as a platform for veterans to share their stories in the hope of inspiring and supporting listeners. Many women with a military background don’t identify as veterans, but Cat believes that if you’ve donned the uniform, you’ve earned your status. Tune in today to learn about her life philosophy and long-term plans, what motivates her to keep the podcast going, and how you can get involved. Thanks for joining us!
Key Points From This Episode:
- Meet today’s guest, Cat Corchado, with Sisters in Service Podcast.
- Cat’s background growing up as a military child, before joining the military for 20 years.
- What she expected leaving the military, and how different reality was.
- The story of how Cat entered the fitness industry after having left the military.
- How the Women's Veterans Network led her to start her podcast, Sisters in Service.
- How Sisters in Service provides a platform for women to share their stories.
- The problem that Cat tackles on her podcast: Inspiring women to identify as veterans.
- Why she believes that if you’ve worn the uniform, you’re a veteran.
- Why you should be using Clubhouse if you aren’t yet.
- The difference in social dynamics in the workplace in comparison to the military.
- Why many veterans become first responders or start businesses of their own.
- The philosophy of ‘always be testing’ and why Cat tries everything for 90 days.
- Her long-term plan to monetize her podcast in order to do more.
- How to reach your goals: One small step forward at a time.
- The different mindset that people have once they have left the military.
- Why Woven is not sponsoring the Podcast.
- The common thread: Even though they have served, they still want to be of service.
- Where to find Cat Corchado and Sisters in Service on social media.
- The satisfaction of receiving positive listener feedback.
- How you can help by sharing the podcast with a veteran you know.
- Why unscripted is always better when it comes to hosting a podcast.
“The military makes you think that when you retire, to use a sports analogy, a first drawn draft pick. Everyone’s going to be throwing money at you, contracts at you; I left thinking there would be music and balloons and confetti, and there was nothing.” — Cat Corchado [0:07:46]
"After service, no one wants to hear anything you have to say about it, because no one understands. Sisters in Service is a platform that gives women a chance to say ‘This happened, and this is how I got through it’, because there might be other women listening and struggling, and thinking they're the only ones when they're not." — Cat Corchado [0:12:10]
"As veterans, if we don't help each other, no one's going to help us. So, we have to give each other that help, that leg up, that hand up. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!” — Cat Corchado [0:12:52]
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
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